Where can I find the rules for Texas Team Trail events?
You can view the rules online by link above or contact us directly and we will be glad to mail a copy to you.
Is there criteria I must meet to fish a Texas Team Trail tournament?
Participation in Texas Team Trail events is open only to members ($50 annual membership fee) who are 18 years of age or older. Any team member entering a tournament under the age of majority must also have the signature of their parent or legal guardian.
What is the entry fee to participate in a Texas Team Trail tournament?
Texas Team Trail events feature a budget-friendly $275 entry fee, per team, for regular season and Championship events. Each team member will also need to purchase a $50 TXTT membership, once annually, in order to fish the events. Teams paying online or by phone by 3:00pm on Friday before the tournament will pay an entry fee of $275.00. All anglers that register on site on Friday after 3:00pm will pay an entry fee of $325.00 plus memberships if they are not already a member. See Rule 7 of the 2025 Texas Team Trail Rules for more information.
How do I enter a Texas Team Trail Tournament?
Entering a Texas Team Trail event is easy. The best way is to register online. Entry forms are also available online to print out & mail/fax in or you can enter by phone at 580-765-9031. All credit card payments will incur a 3% CC fee which is non-refundable.
You can also “Walk-Up” register on Friday evenings, prior to the event, at the mandatory registration (3-6pm for 1st event & 4-6pm for the others), but please keep in mind if you wait to register till Friday, you will pay a higher entry fee ($325). See Rule 6 and 7 for more information.
What do I need to bring with me to registration?
Registration/Check-in takes place the evening before each Saturday event. At least 1 person from the team is REQUIRED to attend. Please bring these forms with you to registration – Entry Form (if you are not pre-registered).
Can I register for the event the Saturday morning of the event?
Registrations and payments of any type ARE NOT accepted the morning of ANY tournament.
Can I fish by myself if my partner can not make it?
Anglers may NOT fish as individuals. These are team events and teams consist of 2 anglers.
Can I have an alternate if my partner can not make it?
A team may assign an alternate partner for ONE event during the year and will retain all points earned. Teams that do not wish to participate in the Team of the Year race or the Championship may use as many partners/alternates as desired.
PLEASE NOTE: An alternate partner may NOT be used during the Championship. A “team” consists of 2 anglers and those 2 anglers MUST fish 2 events together to go to the Championship together.
When can I practice and when is off-limits?
TXTT regular season events will have a 5-day off limits period, which consists of the Monday thru Friday prior to the tournament. Except that the Friday prior to each regular season tournament will be considered an allowed designated practice day ONLY for teams who are fully entered and paid.
If you decide you wish to practice on Friday before the event, you MUST register online or by phone BEFORE you get on the water Friday and before 3pm to avoid late fees. Anglers may not be on the water for any reason after 6pm on Friday after registration is closed.
What is the TXTT Anglers Advantage Program?
The Texas Team Trail Anglers Advantage Program allows each team, for an additional $100 entry, to compete in an additional payout bracket. The OPTIONAL $100 entry fee will be in addition to the standard $275 tournament entry and may be paid when a team registers for an event, or is otherwise due by the close of on-site registration prior to the tournament. The Anglers Advantage entry fee will be paid out at 100% to those participating minus CC fees. You must have your Angler Advantage paid by the close of registration on Friday – payments of any type are not accepted the morning of ANY tournament.
How do I qualify for the Championship?
The top 75 teams based on TXTT Team of Year points ranking following the final regular season event will qualify for the season ending Championship. Teams must weigh in a fish at an event to earn points towards the Team of Year points ranking; you may NOT buy your way into the championship. Each team is allowed an alternate partner for one event during the year (see Rule#3). The Championship is NOT an entry fee free event. Entry fee will be the same as a regular season event.
The final Team of Year standings will include points earned at the Championship event. Teams that are competing in the Championship must pay their entry fee no later than 3pm on Friday the week BEFORE the Championship. (8 days before the first tournament day). Anglers missing this registration deadline will forfeit your spot and we will proceed down the list starting with 76th place to fill the field.
What are the off-limits for the Championship?
Championship allowed designated practice days are Thursday and Friday prior to the event, ONLY for qualified anglers registered and paid before the deadline date of 3pm Friday the week before the event (8 days before the first tournament day). Anglers missing this registration deadline will forfeit your spot and we will proceed down the list starting with 76th place to fill the field. For 76th place on down once notified you are in, the same practice rules listed above will apply. You MUST be registered and paid online or by phone BEFORE you get on the water or are allowed to practice Thursday or Friday.
Tournament waters are off-limits following registration from 6:00 pm Friday evening until takeoff the morning of the tournament. Anglers may not be on the water for any reason after 6pm on Friday after registration is closed.
How do I stay posted on Texas Team Trail news and announcements?
Stay current with all the latest Texas Team Trail news by registering for our free e-newsletter. Simply click here and fill out the request form.