Sammons and Samons Take 1st, Reddington and McClendon Finish 2nd, Taylor and Taylor Finish 3rd
Story sponsored by West Bay Casino & Resort
March 10th ,2025 (Kingston, OK.) – The second event of the 2025 Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s Texas Team Trail presented by Progressive season on Lake Texoma is likely going to go down as the coldest event of the year. Although many anglers struggled through the brutal weather conditions that featured nonstop rain, hail and winds, Lake Texoma still took better than a 20-pound five fish limit to secure the victory. Top teams reported that they relied on a mix of crankbaits and Alabama Rigs as the prominent patterns.
1st-Place: Clay Sammons & Trey Sammons
Fishing out of a 20-year-old boat and using a lot of ‘old school’ techniques and baits, local brothers Clay Sammons and Trey Sammons took the victory catching a mixed bag of Lake Texoma smallmouth and largemouth with Alabama Rigs and crankbaits with their five-fish limit weighing 20-05.
“Its hard to say which techniques seemed to work the best, we threw a variety of everything. But the [Alabama] rig seems to shine the most on this lake under these conditions”, said Clay Sammons.
The team showcased a Storm Wiggle Wart, a Strike King Titanium Rig, Rapala DT6, and other swimbaits and crankbaits.
“We fished a little bit of everything throughout the day but areas that had clearer water were where we had out bites. We also kept ourselves around rocky points and bank areas. The fish are still holding to the cold weather patterns, and the water temps are just not starting to get over 50 degrees. These fish are still cold, and I think that’s why other anglers are weighing in a lot of smallmouth.” The brothers said during the final interview this is the second big tournament win of the season, bringing their total in 2025 a little over $60,000 in winnings. Proving this week that it is not the boat that catches the fish, it is the anglers, they take home a 2025 Nitro Z-18 Pro boat package- a very significant upgrade over their current boat. But the brothers went on to say, “…man our boat is our good luck charm, it gets the job done and has won us some money over the years”.
The team would like to thank their friends and family for all of their support, especially their dad who introduced them into fishing and even under a rainy weigh-in stood with them the entire time waiting on the official word that they had captures the victory.
In total, the team walks away with $52,673 in cash and prizes.
2nd-Place: Dave Redington & Chad McClendon
No stranger to fishing tournaments in the state of Texas and Oklahoma, Dave Redington once again found himself in the check line at a Texas Team Trail event. He and his partner Chad McClendon weighed in a five-fish limit of 19-14. The also took home the Power-Pole ‘Big Bass’ award with a Lake Texoma largemouth that weighed 7-10.
Crankbaits were the prime recipe of success for the team, and the most bites coming on a Berkley Frittside 7.
“This is setting up to absolutely explode in the next few weeks, I think without the weather being the way it was today the weights would have been far different,” said Redington. “Don’t let Lake Texoma fool you, this lake has them”.
The team did not report catching a lot of keepers, but the bites they did get seemed to be the right size and quality.
The take home $8,308 which includes the $250 T-H Marine Atlas Jackplate bonus and a new Power-Pole Pro Series II shallow water anchor for winning the ‘Big Bass’ award.
3rd-Place: Brett Taylor & Bruce Taylor
Another father-and-son team finishes in the Top-5 of a TXTT event. That is one unique opportunity to the TXTT format and tournament operation, anglers have the ability to choose their partner throughout the season, and in some cases, can use an alternate if an angler on the team does not have the ability to make it to the tournament.
For the Taylor father-and-son duo, they focused on keying their day toward areas they had history on, and staying calm throughout the day even with the rain falling throughout most of the day. Like most of the other teams in the Top-5, the keepers they brought to weigh-in at event host West Bay Casino & Resort came off hard baits and an Alabama Rig.
A 6th Sense Provoke jerkbait, 6th Sense P Series crankbait, and a Yumbrella Rig were the baits the team reported by the team.
“I really want to thank the TXTT for putting on such a great tournament that allows us the opportunity to fish together as family. The prizes and contingency program are really great on this trail, and the staff is always consistent. But mostly I want to thank my Lord and Savior”, said Brett.
The team also wanted to give a big shout out to the FamilieSCN2A Foundation which is an organization dedicated to children diagnosed with Epilepsy and Autism. This is something that Brett and his wife are a part of personally because of their son. A great foundation helping children and supporting families.
The father-son team takes home a check worth $3,913
Rest of the Top-10:
4.) CLAYTON BOULWARE & (P) TIM CLINE 19-00 $3,169.00
5.) CAMERON ROANE & STEPHEN THOMAS 18-03 $2,686.00
6.) DON MCFARLIN & JIM FENNELL 17-13 $1,966.00
8.) CLARK MOORE & JOSEPH NORRIS 15-10 $1,430.00
9.) HAYDEN BURKETT & SCOTT BURKETT 14-14 $1,330.00
10.) BEN BURNS & IAN NASH 14-12 $1,204.00
Full Final Results:
Cameron Roane and Stephen Thomas took home the $1,000 Garmin Contingency Bonus which was comprised of $500 Garmin Exclusive Graphs and $500 for having a Garmin Force trolling motor.
Teams Clayton Boulware & Tim Cline, Stephen Wells, & John McDiffitt, and Ty Morehead, & Hayden Marshall also took home Nitro Rewards contingency bonuses for running a 2022 or newer Nitro boat.
Event #3 of the TXTT season is coming up in three weeks on Toledo Bend Reservoir in Many, LA. Registration is still open, and teams will be competing for over $100,000 in cash and prizes based on a 225-boat field. The winning team is GUARATEED to take home a 2025 Ranger Z-518 boat package.
Teams who have only competed in one TXTT event thus far in 2025 are highly encouraged to fish the next two events because there is still a strong chance of qualifying for the 2025 TXTT Championship on Sam Rayburn, June 7th & 8th.